Commit your way to the Lord,
Trust also in Him,
And He shall bring it to pass.
Psalm 37:5
Trust also in Him,
And He shall bring it to pass.
Psalm 37:5
This was a real joy, seeing first hand this beautiful bird's nest with turquoise colored eggs in our backyard. My husband announced with joy, "We have a bird's nest in our yard that you need to see!" I said,"Ok show me, let's get the camera!"
He said in jest, "Ok at your own risk, don't be surprised if you get your eyes pecked out!" He reminded me that after we take the picture to be sure to cover the nest with the branch, he's orginally cut down, not knowing what lay underneathe. My husband pointed out that the bird is guarding the nest from predators.
Earlier that afternoon, Ricky had been busily working in our yard, mowing the lawn, cutting down bushes and clearing debris of leaves and branches. My husband said initally he ignored the bird's loud chirpping. But then wondered why a bird suddenly began acting erratic with his flight pattern.
Ricky then discerned that there was something that he stumbled upon that the bird obviously wanted him to leave alone. There it was an amazing creation, the bird's nest woven intricatley together with pieces of blue plastic strips, branches, sticks and whatever else the bird had selected from nature to create this sturdy nest. Not only did it appear sturdy, but it was a masterpiece, it's beautiful! I am so glad I could share the phot0 with you. Imagine the time and energy this small bird devoted to creating the nest? He or she conceived in it's mind the nest and then got to work making this idea a reality! The bird or maybe several birds collectively were devoted to creating a sturdy nest to lay these eggs. They are anticipating the arrival of their creation.
Friends this is really another gift from God, encouraging us to do the same, to use the birds as a model to conceive in our minds what we endeavor to accomplish:
What are dreaming of?
What is your heart's desire?
What has God commissioned you to birth?
What is your heart's desire?
What has God commissioned you to birth?
Well, breathe deeply and take heart! I am confident that God desires that you to get busy not only dreaming, but creating an action plan to realize it! Pray about the direction, ask Him to guide your steps and when the doors open and opportunities present themselves, trust that you are on your way to the realization of your heart's desire. It's on the way! Tell your self, " it's on the way!! " Your dream(s) can come to pass. Guard it, believe in it and see it done-it's sacred.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Thank you precious Holy Ghost for encouraging our hearts not to be timid about executing the plan that God has given us. We are active and alive and grateful that when we follow your lead and trust You, the plans, and the dreams you placed in our hearts will wonderfully unfold right before your eyes. So we will believe and choose to celebrate now with expectant joy the gift of a dream come true!! Amen!
Friends, I pray you'll be encouraged as you marvel at the beauty of nature and carry the gift of an expectant joy in your hearts.
Joyfully Submitted by:
Linda Mose Meadows, author
The Blessedness of Believing A Devotional Journey of Life's Lessons and God's Promises
This post is so true. I've been praying for guidance & for God to show me the way to go. I know that my dreams must now become actions. "Faith w/out works is dead". Thanks for the confirmation!
How you find ideas for articles, I am always lack of new ideas for articles. Some tips would be great
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