Ephesians 6:13
This morning before leaving my home headed to work, I switched from my favorite morning radio show, The Tom Joyner Show to the national news on the television. I had an opportunity not to rush- my husband was going to the VA. Beach Life Net Office instead of his usual destination in Richmond. This morning we’d car pool- so I could relax for a moment because I wasn’t driving. As I sat awaiting my hot cream of wheat to finish cooking, I listened to the morning news and to my astonishment I heard the news account regarding a mentally ill parent killing not one child but four children. Oh there were signs friends that this disturbed mother needed help.
According to the newscaster, the authorities were warned; they were repeatedly urged to pay a visit to this visibly distressed parent. For whatever the reason, after neither the teacher’s initial home visit the local law enforcement, nor child protective services followed up on this SOS call.
This was touted as a classic example of someone needing assistance and their case simply falling through the cracks. Despite the teacher’s plea, nothing by way of an intervention occurred. The parent which committed this unthinkable act apparently had no support system and it was evident from the testimonies of the teacher that what she witnessed during her home visit was disconcerting, discomforting, just plain unpleasant! The teacher must have sensed something horrific was eminent. It was reported that this woman’s husband, now alone with her children and suffering, mentally battling her demons and refusing to go to a homeless shelter. Later, after the fact of the discovery of the grizzly human remains, there would be several department heads fired, the Mayor would issue a sorrowful statement, department “shake ups” would occur—but I like you would agree this was a little too late!
Lord come by hear, and deliver us! I am sure your spirits are also concurring!
Something wasn’t done; the cracks were widened because here some helpless children were prey at the hands of a mother who was hurt and demented from the battle that had waged war in her mind and spirit.
Our hearts are broken for this parent, the children and the initial teacher who conducted the home visit. This concerned teacher conducting the home visit visibly must have perceived that there was a battle going on right before her eyes, her spirit must have been so unsettled that she complained. Her humanity wasn’t assured that now silenced children could sustain the battle.
After I arrived at work I opened an email inspirational message which read:
No one should be ashamed to admit they are wrong, which is but saying, in other words, that they are wiser today than they were yesterday.”
—Alexander Pope (1688-1744), poet, critic, translator
How apropos that Alexander Pope’s words would resound with such truths., It’s ironic, no it’s God at work friends featuring quotes related to humanity from The Foundation for a Better Life.com In their own words the Foundation for a Better Life is a non-profit organization dedicated to sharing the values that make a difference in our communities.
A terrible wrong has occurred, what’s next we must wonder? I feel that today, God is ushering us to reflect on not only our own humanity, but humanity for the children forgotten , parents tormented and system over burdened. I surely am not pretending to have all the answers my friends but in cases where there is evidence of distress would it be wonderful to have an alternative if the local human services boards can’t intervene? I pray that those considering ministry will seek out best practices to reach others. Surely there must be innovative human service with faith based foundations making provisions for safe shelter/havens, parenting workshops, counseling services, mentoring programs. In the mean time while we are searching for these caring services maybe we can be more vigilant in fighting the battle within our gates that is intent on destroying us.
With an out stretched helping hand it’s important that we become Auntie Mommies, surrogate mothers and fathers, noisy neighbors with level heads, keen eyes and ears that are open to understand, see , hear and aide the distressed.
Possibly God is telling us today to pay more attention to not only our affairs, but our brothers and sisters around us. We are our brother’s keepers. Often there is real turmoil happening right in our midst and we just can’t fathom what it is, let alone see it. So I pray friends that we’ll have supernatural radar that signals in our spirits when an immediate need exists, and a crisis is erupting and ignoring the problem won’t be an option.
If you have a service that can benefit families hurry and contact your schools, the United Way, you local/city/county human service systems and law enforcement so that you’ll be considered as a line of defense for the defenseless. Be assured that the need will arise. So friends let’s keep praying and let’s keep vigilant about helping others in need and not giving up in well doing!
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.
Eph 6: 1-18
Joyfully Submitted by Linda Mose Meadows
Author of: The Blessedness of Believing A Devotional Journey of Life's Lessons and God's Promiseshttp://www.blessednessofbelieving.blogspot.com/
1 comment:
My Sister, your gift of writing is a breath of fresh air. So many times people listen to and function based on the sentiment that “those are his or her children” and refuse to get involved. We are forced to get involved when “their children” act out in school, have children at an early age, commit crimes and/or are sentenced to serve time in prison.
On another note your phone call last night as you know was a blessing. Tonight the pleasant surprise for me on your blogspot was truly a wonderful blessing.
Be blessed at your book signing in Williamsburg, VA on January 19th.
Although, I am physcially in Houston know that I will be there with you in my spirit. I pray that you will feel the love, joy, and peace that I send out to you and your entire family.
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